5 Side Effects Tattoo and Body disease

Tattoos that are synonymous with valor or Maco and also according to some people say that it is an art, but some are saying that it is one thing that shows delinquency. In spite of it all turned out to be a risk behind your body tattooing.
But from now on have to be careful and should pay attention to the tattooed body. Here are 5 Risks Body tattooing you should note quoted by Kompas.
1. Allergy
Usage peearna during tattooing may cause allergic skin reactions in the form. Usually there will be itching of the parts tattooed. Do not think it only lasted a moment, but it can last for many years.
2. Infection
Use of equipment less net Tatto can cause infection of the skin signs such as skin redness, swelling, pain and pus.

3. Bumps On Skin
Bumps around the tattoo area called granulomas, not only that it was also encouraging the growth of keloid tattoos or extra tissue that grows dibekas injury.

4. Of blood-borne illnesses
If the lack of sterile equipment can also cause infection from blood borne diseases, eg HIV, tetanus and others.

5. MRI Complications
Tattoos can cause swelling or burning skin when the tattooed man undergoing an MRI examination. MRI uses strong magnetic fields with computerized technology to produce detailed images of organs and soft tissues in the body.
However, a disease caused by the tattoo will still be cured with

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